Selecting Statistics  

Statistical Test

Confirmatory factor analysis of standardized variance-covariance matrices

Statistical Measure

Maximum likelihood chi-square


Confirmatory factor analysis: Gorsuch, R. L. Factor Analysis. Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders, 1974. pp. 116, 251 (General)

Joreskog, K. G., and Sorbom, D. LISREL: Analysis of Linear Structural Relationships by the Method of Maximum Likelihood. Version IV. User's Guide, Chicago: National Educational Resources, 1978. (COFAMM)

Maximum likelihood chi-square: Gorsuch, R. L. Factor Analysis. Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders, 1974. pp. 118, 139; Joreskog, K. G., and Sorbom, D. LISREL: Analysis of Linear Structural Relationships by the Method of Maximum Likelihood. Version IV. User's Guide, Chicago: National Educational Resources, 1978. (COFAMM)