Selecting Statistics  

Statistical Test

Multivariate analysis of variance

Statistical Measure

• Wilks' lambda

• Roy's greatest root criterion

• Pillai-Bartlett V


Multivariate Analysis of variance: Cooley, W. W., and Lohnes, P. R. Multivariate Data Analysis. New York: Wiley,1971. p. 223; Harris, R. J. A Primer of Multivariate Statistics. New York: Academic Press, 1975. p. 101; Bock, R. D., and Haggard, E. A. The use of multivariate analysis of variance in behavioral research. In Handbook of Measurement and Assessment in Behavioral Sciences, edited by D. K. Whitla. Reading, Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley, 1968.

Wilks' lambda: Cooley, W. W., and Lohnes, P. R. Multivariate Data Analysis. New York: Wiley,1971. p. 175; Morrison, D.F. Multivariate Statistical Methods. Second edition. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1976.p. 222; Harris, R. J. A Primer of Multivariate Statistics. New York: Academic Press, 1975. p. 109; Olson, C. L. On choosing a test statistic in multivariate analysis of variance. Psychological Bulletin 83 (1976): 579-586.

Roy's greatest root: Morrison, D.F. Multivariate Statistical Methods. Second edition. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1976.p. 178; Harris, R. J. A Primer of Multivariate Statistics. New York: Academic Press, 1975. p. 103, 109; Olson, C. L. On choosing a test statistic in multivariate analysis of variance. Psychological Bulletin 83 (1976): 579-586.

Pillai-Bartlett: Morrison, D.F. Multivariate Statistical Methods. Second edition. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1976.p. 223; Olson, C. L. On choosing a test statistic in multivariate analysis of variance. Psychological Bulletin 83 (1976): 579-586.