Selecting Statistics  

Statistical Test

Multidimensional contingency table analysis

Statistical Measure

Chi-square tests


Andrews, F. M., and Messenger, R. C. Multivariate Nominal Scale Analysis. Ann Arbor: Institute for Social Research, The University of Michigan, 1973. (MNA)

Statistics Department, University of Chicago. ECTA program: description for users. Mimeographed paper, 1973. (ECTA)

Landis, J. R.; Stanish, W. M.; Freeman, J. L.; and Koch, G. G. A computer program for the generalized chi-square analysis of categorial data using weighted least squares (GENCAT). Computer Programs in Bio-medicine 6 (1976): 196-231. (GENCAT)

Feinberg, S. E. The Analysis of Cross-Classified Data. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press, 1977. (General)

Chi-square tests: Feinberg, S. E. The Analysis of Cross-Classified Data. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press, 1977. p. 36 (Pearson and maximum likelihood)