Selecting Statistics  

Statistical Test

Dummy variable regression using weighted least squares or maximum likelihood, usually on a transformed dependent variable (e.g., on logits)

Statistical Measure



Draper, N. R., and Smith, H. Applied Regression Analysis. New York: Wiley, 1966. p. 77, 134 (Weighted least squares-General)

DuMouchel, W. H. The regression of a dichotomous variable. Unpublished. Survey Research Center Computer Support Group, Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan, 1974.; DuMouchel, W. H. On the analogy between linear and log-linear regression. Technical Report No. 67. Unpublished. Department of Statistics, University of Michigan, March 1976. (Maximum likelihood-DREG)

DuMouchel, W. H. On the analogy between linear and log-linear regression. Technical Report No. 67. Unpublished. Department of Statistics, University of Michigan, March 1976. (GENCAT)